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Speculative fiction writer, wife, mum, gamer, and adventure seeker who just wants some sleep. She lives in sunny Queensland, but often fantasises about snow capped mountains in cooler climates.

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Ghosts and Graves Anthology

I'm so excited to announce another anthology I've had a short story accepted into will be available to purchase soon. This one is a collection of ghost stories. It is such a privilege to have my work included with so many other great stories.

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Rainforest Writing Retreat 2018

Last weekend I went on a Writing Retreat at O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat and it was magical...

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After the End: Apocalyptic and Dystopic Futures Workshop

On the weekend I ventured out to my first writing workshop and I loved it...

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We had to write some haikus for an exercise in the course I'm doing... Here are some of mine.

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