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Speculative fiction writer, wife, mum, gamer, and adventure seeker who just wants some sleep. She lives in sunny Queensland, but often fantasises about snow capped mountains in cooler climates.

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Short Stories of Forest and Fantasy

Wednesday, December 9, 2020 by Sarah Hegerty

Short stories are a funny beast. When submitting to anthologies, there are usually specific requirements that need to be met before a story will be considered. It is these requirements that bind them into a cohesive collection of stories. When submitting for the fantasy anthology, the requirement was that we had to reference a forest and it had to be adult fantasy (not children's, not the same as adult movies...). I knew straight away what I was going to write.

While at the Rainforest Writing Retreat, I made some friends. We all got along so well, that there became a running joke that we were all members of the exclusive group called The Six. This escalated into us all being referred to by number, instead of name, which was determined by the order in which we had originally spoken to One. I was Three, just like Milvyre. The Six is not based on true events, and does not assist anyone in making any sense of the convoluted situation that eventuated at the retreat, but is is an enjoyable snack of fantasy all the same. After all, it has rainforest cults and elves. How could that not be tasty?


Here is the blurb for The Six:

As a half-blooded elf, Milvyre has spent her whole life struggling to find a place in her world. Now she has a chance to become one of the Chosen. But will it be everything she hoped for?